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•   Kent Raabe  7/20
•   Jerry Fenske  7/4
•   Diana Kuehl  6/27
•   Cynthia Cox (Kucera)  4/24
•   Joyce Martin  4/24
•   Joyce Fuhrmann (Schultz)  2/24
•   Kathy Szilard (Szilard)  2/1
•   Gary L Hahlbeck  1/27
•   Rolf Aldinger (Aldinger)  1/24
•   Lawrence Noldan  1/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Idaho
3 live in Illinois
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in West Virginia
37 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Sweden
140 location unknown
34 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Our 55th Reunion is behind us now, but we had such a great time! 33 classmates and guests, for a total of 53 attendees met at Kent & Christine Raabe's home for an evening of laughs and catching up. We had good food, plenty of drinks available and the warmth of the fire pit, but mostly the warmth of meeting up with old friends. We're sorry more of you could not attend, but there will always be more Reunions to come and you can always check out the Photo Gallery from this year's event.

We thank everyone who attended and also gave generously to a Donation for WLHS. We collected $3185! We have a goal of $5000 so if you feel inclined, we would welcome more donations this year. Our goal is to have $5000 that would be used for five $1000 scholarships in the 2025-2026 school year, from the Class of 1969. You can send a check to Megan Kruschel, WLHS, 330 W Glenview Ave., Milw., Wi 53213, marked for class of ’69 gift.
For those of you that attended, please take a moment to reply to the Feedback email sent previously.

Keep watching this website for future updates. 


We will be keeping this website open indefinitely so please use it to continue to update your Profile. If you are in touch with other classmates not currently using the website please encourage them to create a Profile so we can all better stay in touch.